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Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog award and snow!!!

Snow! Yes, folks we got hit by a snowstorm here in Saint Paul, so I'm sharing photos of the mess. It's started to melt already and that's caused ice build up everywhere. Although I'm not as upset as my neighbors probably are - they started re-roofing their house on Friday before the storm hit and I'm pretty sure they didn't get it done. In all we got about 7 inches, but other parts of the metro got dumped on and lost power. We did lose our internet connection for most of Saturday night, and I felt a little lost, but it gave me time to read. I finished Twenty Boy Summer and Blue Fire - both really good. As far as writing is concerned, I did manage to read through NW in its entirety and marked up places where I need to add things. And my pictures that I showed on my last blog post did the trick (somewhat) I got a few ideas for scenes that I'll be adding over the next couple weeks.

But on to more fun stuff - blog awards!! I got this one from my blogger/writer friend, Joann. I'm supposed to tell you ten things about myself and given the title of the award, I'm thinking they all have to be true (as Nikki would say, Bugger!). So here we go:

1. I was a big crybaby in elementary school. I cried almost every single day of Kindergarten and all the kids made fun of me. I think that's where my initial shyness came from and it's taken me a long time to get over that. Even now at 36, I still get really cold feet when it comes to some social situations.

2. My sister gave me the nickname Annie Kae when I was little and I hated it!!! Maybe that explains why I scribbled all over her track ribbons. Revenge is so sweet when you're six.

3. I have two sisters who I love dearly and one brother who I haven't seen for nearly ten years. He cut himself off from the family for reasons none of us understand, and I only hear about him when he calls my mom, which he only does once a year.

4. I've had pets all my life, but since our dog died 18 months ago this has been the longest that I've gone without a pet. I'm trying to convince my husband to get a cat, and if it doesn't happen soon...well, I don't know who's going to be more unhappy, him or me.

5. I have three beautiful kids who each have a Chinese name, the first part of which is the same: Jiaji, JiaMei, and JiaXiang. Jia = home. And their grandmother gave them their Chinese names.

6. I got married on January 5th, 1994, but we didn't have our wedding until December of 1995. And no, it wasn't a shotgun deal, we just didn't have the money. :)

7. When I was about 8 years old I was convinced I was going to go to hell because I hadn't been baptized, and I asked my mother for Christmas if they would please, please baptize me. Needless to say, that didn't happen.

8. I prefer pie to cake. Preferably something tart like mixed berry.

9. I haven't had a tv show that I've been seriously into for about two years now, and honestly I don't miss it at all.

10. Being that this is the last thing on the list, I thought I'd do a run-down of my addictions:

b. Writing
c. daytrading, though I haven't done it for about two years now. I really seriously have an addiction here - I had to put a sticky on my computer that said DO NOT DAYTRADE  in big letters and for those first few weeks it was really hard to resist. And it's kind of like drinking or gambling, once you take that one trade, you feel like you have to keep doing it until you fall over drunk (er...until the market closes).

d. Bengal Spice tea from Celestial Seasonings - I'm out of it right now and I'm having serious withdrawal issues.
e. my flat iron - this addiction started this summer when I finally realized how well it works. I hate my wavy hair. It gets all frizzy and looks horrible, but since the flat iron epiphany I've been hair happy!! I won't even travel without it now.
 f. daydreaming - this has been a long standing addiction. Either making up stories and daydreaming or just thinking about the future, I've always, always been a big daydreamer. I've come to realize it's an addiction, but not one I'm likely to give up now that I've found an outlet for it in writing. :)

KO, Cheyenne, and Marieke - tag, you're it!!


Angelica R. Jackson said...

How funny! I started reading your post and had to commiserate with your neighbor--we were getting our roof done in October a few years ago, and a freak thunderstorm came through. Seriously freaky, like poured rain for 2 hours and was beautiful the other 22 in that day. We had water coming through the light fixtures and everything.

And then I got to your Bengal Spice comment--I'm out too, and I've checked 3 stores!

Susan said...

Ah, your snow has come to Germany. We've been getting it all morning now. Brrrrrrr.

I love your list -- I'm totally a pie over cake person too. And I got married last year, and we still haven't had our wedding. $$$ can really hamper that, huh?

Marieke said...

Aw, thank you! <3

And snow?!! I wants it!!!

I love the names of your kids - they're beautiful!

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

Thanks! I'll have to get my stuff together and post it!!

Your kids are totally adorable, and their names are beautiful.

We had a freak snowfall a week ago, but it fell and melted immediately. I hadn't even bought the kids boots yet (last year's are too small).

I can wait a few more weeks...

Joann Swanson said...

Aw, I love all the things you shared, Angie and your kids are DARLING!!

Nomes said...

I love this post! I've only seen snow a couple of times - it looks amazing.

how awesome do your kids look?

not a shotgun deal, hey? heheheheh.

I've never had pie! Well, only lemon meringue. no other flavour...

I don't watch TV either. I never have really. I kinda wish i did sometimes - seems like a relaxing thing to do.

i love all of your addictions. I'm a daydreamer too - nice to meet another one, haha.


daytrading sounds brilliant! shame you had to give it up ;)

Angie said...

Angelica - Bengal Spice rocks! I think I've gotten my dad addicted to it too. :)

KO - Would you know that I have to get my kids new mittens and hats too? They had some for Saturday, but they've misplaced a lot of it and are wearing mismatched stuff. You can't tell by the picts, but yeah, every year it's the same.

Susan - we probably wouldn't have even had a wedding, but my mother in law insisted. And we had it in Malaysia, which was another reason why we had to wait. But it was worth it!

Nomes - I cannot believe you have never eaten pie. Seriously?

Daytrading is a lot of fun, but it's a real emotional rollercoaster and you have to have total control over your emotions or you won't figure it out. Perhaps that was my handicap. You usually do it on margin and it's a real kick to say that you're holding 250,000$ worth of stock! Even if you're going to sell it ten minutes later for just 100$ profit. :)

Thanks all for the comments!

Janine said...

Pie is sooo much better than cake. I just don't get the cupcake craze. Except, I do like frosting. Mmmm. Now I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

This was such a fun post. I've talked with you over email so much but it's always been about writing. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and I totally relate with the daydreaming part. It's usually how I fall asleep at night (or what keeps me awake).

Melanie said...

Hey??? Where's my response? I responded to this post yesterday??? That is so weird. Crap.

Okay, well, what I had said was that I think this is a really cool story! I can't believe how brave you were to up and move yourself at such a young age. Very impressive. But, hey, when you know it's right, you know it's right. I have several friends who have met, fallen in love and married from meeting on the internet. Doesn't matter where you find love, as long as you're lucky enough to find it, right?

As for the book. I look forward to reading this one.

Angie said...

Mel, you commented on the other post. *pats head fondly* It's okay. We all lose it sometimes. :)



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